Module “Migration Design”, Zurich University of Arts, October 2021, five weeks.
The work analyses the asylum process in Switzerland and deals with the role and position of Designers in this process. The module refers to UNHCR’s “Art Stands With Refugees” initiative, which took place in June 2021. It was a group project with nine people. The result was a publication, as well as an exhibition with a vernissage. The exhibition took place over the course of three days in the cultural house “Helferei” in Zurich. 

Two fellow students and I were in charge for the exhibition. For each discussed topic a room was curated. The asylum-seeking process in Switzerland was shown in an installation on the staircase, as well as a sound installation in a room. One room questioned Swiss neutrality and the origin of typical Swiss products. A large space offered a platform for artists and designers with migration experience, who work and live in Switzerland. Lastly in a sound station visitors could listen to people with migration experience talking about this experience but also about their everyday life.
Before entering a room, a trigger warning was shown. The publications could be put together individually by every visitor, depending on their topics of interest. 
The “Swiss “room, decorated with typical Swiss elements and fact sheets, which questioned Swiss neutrality and the origin of the Swiss elements.
The "Swiss" room.
In the staircase hung a glossary poster.
In the staircase hung a glossary poster.
The staircase with the different steps in the asylum-seeking process in Switzerland
The staircase with the different steps in the asylum-seeking process in Switzerland
The staircase with the different residence permits in Switzerland.
The staircase with the different residence permits in Switzerland.
The audio room, where a recording asked the very private questions which asylum applicants must answer in their asylum-seeking process. At the same time a printer prints complicated documents which asylum applicants must deal with.
The sound station, where people with migration experience talk about this experience as well as their everyday life. 
The Space, which offered a platform for artists and designers with migration experience, who work and life in Switzerland.
Bread buffet at the Vernissage.
Our publication "on moving and waiting".

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